about chanel allure

Chanel, an Intentional Living Mentor, Thought Leader, and Creative based in New York City, brings a wealth of experience from diverse backgrounds.

With a previous role as a Life Coach in Juvenile Justice, she focused on supporting young black men in rehabilitation and community reintegration amid high-pressure environments.

With over 20 years of dedication to the corporate world across property management, hospitality, and social services, Chanel has honed her skills in leadership, organization, and policy optimization.

Throughout her professional journey and personal endeavors, her mission remains steadfast: to cultivate spaces where individuals feel safe, heard, and inspired on their path to inner transformation and intentional living.

Check out HER Interview with Canvas REbel Magazine.

My story

My Very Good Year

My journey with "My Very Good Year" centers on recognizing the potential for transformative change within 365 days, driven by intentionality and a well-crafted plan. My mission is to positively impact at least one person each day, fostering connections and serving as a guiding light for inner transformation and self-love.

My spiritual path began over a decade ago, triggered by silent struggles with depression and insomnia. One restless night, I felt a surge of new energy, igniting a desire to break free from the cycle of misery. The following morning, I embarked on a journey of manifesting my deepest desires and reconnecting with my true self. My primary focus became the reprogramming of my mindset to propel me towards the next level of my life.

In late 2017, fueled by a quest for emotional fulfillment and greater purpose, I made the bold decision to leave behind my corporate career. This pivotal choice marked the beginning of a new chapter, leading me towards the creation of "My Very Good Year" blog in the spring of 2018.